CVP-805: «Wish You were here»  

Tutorial to play the song «Wish You Were Here», Pink Floyd on YAMAHA CVP-805 and 809A registration bank is a collection of settings for your instrument. This registration bank consists of 4 particular settings for this song.
You will be able to play the song like you see and hear in this video.
Additional settings for pedal, Mixer and ACMP mode(s) and split points are done.
I hope you enjoy playing the music of Pink Floyd like I do.

You can get the corresponding registratuion bank for this song.
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Tyros 5 and reface, workflow video 1  
Workflow video about the possibilities of Yamaha's reface models in connection with Tyros 5. It is shown how to create a MIDI-template for Tyros 5 and reface.
Tyros 5 and reface, workflow video 2  
Workflow video about the combination of sounds, styles, multi pads etc. of Tyros 5 with the iconic sounds of the reface models.
Tyros 5 and reface, workflow video 3 (Soundmondo)  
Workflow video about the possibilities of the internet platform, how to save, load and share sounds with a worldwide user community and how to use Web-MIDI.
recording and editing of MIDI-Files, part 1  

Many users have a computer system available for recording and editing of songs. All the YAMAHA instruments are able to record songs in the compatible MIDI-File format and many musicians use MIDI-files for an accompaniment. But: What is the best method to record a MIDI-File? It is obvious to use the computer with the sequencer software to record all the notes coming from the Auto Accompaniment as well as from the notes played on the keyboard. Is it the best method to record all the MIDI-data to the external sequencer? NO! Due to the realtime MIDI-transmission you will loose the important setup data for any MIDI-channel, settings for the sounds and the effects. It is clever to use the advantages of both: The internal song recorder of the YAMAHA instrument as well as the possibilities of the external software! The internal song recorder and the external Sequencer are a real "dream team". This tutorial shows the possibilities on the PSR-S550. But you can do this in the same way for any other instrument like PSR, Tyros or the CVP models.

recording and editing of MIDI-Files, part 2  

The song is recorded on the YAMAHA instrument. Now you will import the file to the software sequencer and edit the song. Inside the tracks produced by the Auto accompaniment you will find a huge amount of redundant MIDI-data. This is not good for the musical timing. This tutorial shows how to delete all the data by one click! So the song will be much tighter than before.

recording and editing of MIDI-Files, part 3

The purpose for editing of MIDI-Files is to re-arrange the music. This is the big atvantage of the software sequencer.

Tyros 3 firmware upgrade  

The firmware upgrade to version 1.11 is a must for every Tyros 3 player. This upgrade allows you to install the Premium-Content for Tyros-3. For the first time it is possible to expand a sampling keyboard with voices of the latest technology, as for example Mega-Voices, Superarticulation! and Superarticulation!2 voices. The expansion of Tyros 3 with these high quality sounds is a real upgrade for the instrument. The installation of the new firmware is easy. Please follow some tips of the tutorial.

upload: 10. 1.2010

Playing With Styles: "Coming Home"  

"Coming Home" by Antonin Dvorak played on Tyros-3 with the accompaniment mode AI-Fingered and the new Style "Ethereal Movie". This song is an example of the DVD "Playing With Styles" - helpful for ALL YAMAHA instuments having the Mode AI Fingerd (German version: Styles&Patterns). The tutorial shows also the functionality of the style, the foot pedal and the registration memories. The corresponding registration bank for YAMAHA TYROS-3 is available here.

upload: 14.1.2009

To "Playing With Styles"

Playing With Styles: "Swanlake"  

The Song "Swanlake" played with the AI-Fingered-Mode. This is an example of the DVD "Playing With Styles" (German version: Styles&Patterns). The tutorial shows also the functionality of a foot pedal and the registration memories. The corresponding registration bank for YAMAHA TYROS-3 is available here.

upload: 11.1.2009

To "Playing With Styles"



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